The page-break-before property
allows you to specify whether a page breaks occurs before a tag when you print
out a page. For example:
p.break {page-break-before: always;}
This code would always force a page break before a paragraph tag that has a class="break".
You can have the following values:
always forces a page break
before the tag. You might use this for every <h1>
tag to force a page break before every new section
auto uses default page
breaks. I cant see why you would use it because it is the same as doing nothing
avoid avoid a page break
before the tag. This means the current tag is kept on the same page as the preceding
left forces a page break
on left hand pages. The new page is always then a left hand page. You might get
blank pages for this to work
right forces a page break
on right hand pages. The new page is always then a right hand page. You might
get blank pages for this to work