Producing web pages
* HTML CSS DHTML XHTML A to Z of tags        Accessibility          Design

Using Dynamic HTML

So what is Dynamic HTML? It is not any one single technology; it is a combination of HTML tags, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript that allow your page, funnily enough, to be dynamic. Dynamic HTML lets you change the look and content of your page after it is loaded; you don't need to go back to the server to load more information.

With DHTML you can build layers into your web pages, such as placing one picture over another, and you can position text and pictures exactly. Nothing is simple though — you can do some dynamic things in Netscape that you can't do in IE and vice versa.

This section describes how to add scripts to your pages and describes the common scripting events that you can use. It is a brief description. I don't want to get lost in the dark art of JavaScript. You can also look at the DHTML examples. They also make use of scripts and events.

It also describes how to use filters to to create multimedia effects, either by themselves or with a script. Microsoft has developed these properties and they only work with Internet Explore 4.0 and above.