There are a number of HTML attributes that define scripting events. The attribute
value is a script (typically a function call or a few short statements) that the
browser executes when the event occurs.
The available events are as follows:
onclick. Takes place when
you click the mouse on a tag. You could use it to display
a page in a new window when you click on a link.
ondblclick. Takes place
when you double-click the mouse on a tag
onkeydown. Takes place when
you press a key
onkeypress. Takes place
when you press an alphanumeric key
onkeyup. Takes place when
you release a key
onmousedown. Takes place
when you press the mouse button over a tag
onmouseup. Takes place when
you release the mouse button over a tag
onmouseover. Takes place
when you when move the mouse onto a tag. You can use it to get a message
to appear in the status bar of the browser window when you move the mouse
over a link
onmousemove. Takes place
when you move the mouse over a tag
onmouseout. Takes place
when you moved the mouse away from a tag
onload. Takes place when
the browser finishes loading a window or frames. You use this event with the
<body> or <frameset>
onunload. Takes place when
the browser finishes unloading a window or frames. You use this event with the
<body> or <frameset>
onfocus. Takes place when
a tag recives the focus either by pointing at it with the mouse or tabbing to
it. You use this event with the <label>,
<input>, <select>,
<textarea> or <button>
onblur. Takes place a tag
loses the focus. You use this event with the <label>,
<input>, <select>,
<textarea> or <button>
onsubmit. Takes place a
user submits a form. You only use this event with the <form>
onreset. Takes place a user
resets a form. You only use this event with the <form>
onselect. Takes place when
a uses selects some text in a text field. You use this event with the <input>
and <textarea>tags
onchange. Takes place when
a tag loses focus and the user has changed the value. You use this event with
the <input>, <select>
and <textarea> tags
If you use an event attribute, you must specify a default scripting language for
the document. For example:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type"
More information
Using Dynamic HTML
Common scripting events