This guideline states the obvious. Try to:
Avoid jargon, unfamiliar vocabulary and specialised meanings of familiar words.
If you must use specialised terms, provide an explanation
Choose the common word. For example, use "begin" rather than "commence" or use
"try" rather than "endeavour"
Avoid long, complex sentences and paragraphs. They are difficult to read and
Use the active rather than the passive voice
People don't like reading reams of text on-line. Use headings, paragraphs and lists
to break content into smaller pieces that are easier to read and scan. For example:
Add Informative headings to help users to scan a page quickly for information
rather than reading it in detail
State the topic of the sentence or paragraph at the beginning of the sentence
or paragraph. The W3C call this front-loading.
This helps people who (either visually or with a screen reader) jump from heading
to heading, or paragraph to paragraph and scan a few words to decide whether
the information interests them
Limit each paragraph to one main idea
Use clear and accurate link text that make sense when read out of context, or as
part of a series of links. Some users browse by jumping from link to link and listening
only to the link text.
More information
An overview of the accessibility guidelines
Ensure that documents are clear and simple
Use the clearest and simplest language
Supplement text with graphic or auditory presentations
Create a style of presentation that is consistent across pages