A style sheet is a file that tells the browser how to display your web pages. It contains formatting instructions for common HTML tags such as paragraphs, headings, lists, tables and so on. Here's a very simple style that makes level one headings appear in blue: h1 {color: blue;} Each style is made up of:
You must get the syntax right. Each style starts with a selector followed a property inside curly brackets { }. Each property is identified by the property name, followed by a colon and the property value. Don't add a space to the syntax where you don't need one. For example: p {margin-left: 50 px;} You don't need a space between the 50 and the px. If you put one in, the syntax isn’t valid and you won't get the margin. You can enter more than one property; just use semicolons to separate them. h1 {font: "Arial"; color: blue;} This tells the browser to display a level one heading in Arial and to make the heading blue. This is the basic syntax of a style sheet. It tells you how to set up a style for a tag but you can also do some more sophisticated things such as create style variations for a single HTML tag. If you are interested, see Using selectors for details. There are lots of properties to choose from. Look at How to use CSS properties for a list and some examples of how to use them. You also need to know how to add style sheets to your pages. |
More information What does a style sheet look like? |