If you set up a style for a tag, it applies every time you usethe tag. For example, this style makes every <h1> tag in your document 14pt and black: h1 {font: 14pt; color: black;} If you want more control, use classes to create different styles for a single HTML tag. For example, if you want to use three colours for your <h1> headings, you define three classes in your <style> tag: h1.red {font: 15pt/17pt; color: red;} h1.green {font: 15pt/17pt; color: green;} h1.blue {font: 15pt/17pt; color: blue;}
You can also set up classes that you can use with more than one tag. You may see this called a generic class. For example: .center {text-align: center;} You can then apply this class to any tag: <p class="center"> <h1 class="center"> Choose a naming scheme for classes that makes sense. It is better to name the class by function rather than appearance, For example: .warning {color: red; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;} The style rule applied to class warning turns text red, bold, and underlined. In this case, you can change the style declaration, for example the colour, and the class name still makes sense. In CSS2, you can set more than one class for a tag. |
More information Use the class attribute as a selector Use the id attribute as a selector Matching attributes and selectors Pseudo classes and elements as selectors |