It appears you can add more or less what you like: the author of the document, a copyright statement, a publication date or an expiry date for the page.
For example, you can use the <meta> tag to:
Add the name of the author. For example: <meta
name="Author" content="Ann Gilliver">
Add the expiry date of the document. For example: <meta
December 2000">
Specify the default script language that you want to use. HTML does not use a
specific script language so you need to specify the one you want to use
Specify the default style sheet. For example: <meta
http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">.
It is likely that this will be CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). There could be other
specialised ones; but I don’t know anything about them
Specify the character encoding that you want to use. All of the HTML is encoded
using the special character set that you specify. For example: <meta
http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">.
The character set is sometimes called Latin-1 and works for most western European
languages. It also includes some control, special and graphical characters. There
are other sets that support Cyrillic and Japanese characters and so on. For more
information see, Character sets.
Tell the browser that it should not cache
the page. Note: some browsers ignore this command. For example: <meta
http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
More information
Things you can do with meta data
Adding information about the page
Adding keywords
Adding a description
Automatically loading and reloading pages
Adding page transitions
Adding a contents rating