Apart from the tag for basic paragraphs, HTML has a number of other tags that you can use to format different types of paragraphs. The paragraphs use a different size, font or style for the text.
Quotations, citations and definitions
- Use the <address> tag to specify who the author of the document is and how to contact the author. The address will probably be in italics
- Use the <abbr> tag to indicate an abbreviated form of a word
- Use the <acronym> tag to mark up acronyms
- Use the <blockquote> tag for long quotations. The tag indents text (from both the left and right margins) to make the paragraph stand out. You can also use the <q> tag for quotations
- Use the <cite> tag to enclose a citation, for example the title of a book or a quotation. Usually displays in italics
- Use the <dfn> tag for a definition of a word. Usually displays in italics
Computer output
These tags mostly mimic computer output in some form or other:
- Use the <pre> tag to make the browser take notice of spaces, line breaks and tabs. Useful for program listings or to align a column of numbers. The down side is that characters display in a fixed-width font rather than the variable-width font. You can use links within a <pre> tag, but avoid any other tags
- Use the <code> tag to display bits of computer code. Usually appears as a fixed-width font. Probably Courier
- Use the <kbd> tag for text that a user enters
- Use the <tt> tag to display text in a fixed-width font (probably Courier) like a typewriter. You could use it for variable names or to show bits of HTML
- Use the <var> tag to define a variable, such as a field name. Usually displays in italics
I think the <pre> tag is the most useful (and possibly <var> if you need italics). The others don't add much: they all use a fixed width font and look alike.
More information
Adding headings and paragraphs
Adding headings
Adding basic paragraphs
Adding formatted paragraphs
Adding horizontal rules