Provide a caption with the <caption> tag. A table caption describes the table in one or two sentences. If you don't provide a caption, use the title attribute on the <table> tag to describe the table instead. Include the summary attribute to provide an outline of the structure of each table or chart and what it contains. Tells the user what information is presented in the table and name the table headings. A typical summary might be "This table charts the annual percentage growth in internet usage in Ireland under the headings, 1999, 2000, 2001." Standard browsers don't usually display the summary but it helps users with screen readers or text only devices. A screen reader would read the summary aloud, before the contents of the table cells. Note that tables used for layout do not require summaries. |
More information An overview of the accessibility guidelines Create tables that transform gracefully Identify row and column headers Use markup to associate data cells and header cells Do not use tables for layout unless the table makes sense when linearized Do not use any structural markup for the purpose of visual formatting Provide summaries for tables |