A list is useful way to organise information that has something in common, such
as step-by-step instructions to carry out a task. It also gives a bit of variety
in the layout. You can create the following types of lists:
A bulleted list, sometimes
called an unordered list. Items in the list appear with a bullet character in
front of them
A numbered list, sometimes
called an ordered list. Items in the list appear with a number or letter in front
of them
A definition list which
gives you a simple two-column list for terms and their definitions. A typical
use would be entries in a dictionary
A directory list and
a menu list
You can also nest one type of list inside another but don't have too many levels.
The most common types of list are numbered and bulleted. Definition, directory
and menu listings are out of favour and you should probably avoid them.
More information
Introducing HTML
Using lists
Creating bulleted lists
Creating numbered lists
Creating definition lists
Creating directory or menu lists |