You use the <font> tag to control control (more or less) the fonts on your page. You can:
To change any of the font attributes, simply use the <font> tag. The text that follows will remain changed until you close with the </font> tag. You can change any or all of the font attributes at the one time; just include all the required changes in the <font> tag: <font face="Comic Sans MS" color="red" size="+2"> As with other character formatting tags, some tags do not accept the effect of <font>. For example, table tags accept changes to the font's name but not to the size. It isn't very efficient to have <font> tags all over your page. It is much better to use a style sheet (either linked or embedded) to set the font properties that you want for a tag. The <font> tag is also likely to disappear from the HTML specification in the future so you'll have to use a style sheet.
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