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* HTML CSS DHTML XHTML A to Z of tags        Accessibility          Design


The display property allows you define a tag with one of the following values:

  • Block. A block tag is, for example, a paragraph or heading. It has a line break before and after the tag
  • In-line. An inline tag is, for example, an anchor or emphasis. It has no line break either before or after the tag
  • List-item. The same as block except with a bullet, for example, list items
  • Compact. This works in a similar way to the compact attribute on the <dl> tag. If a tag is compact, the browser displays it in the margin of the next tag (provided that there is enough room)
  • Run-in. A run-in tag runs into the next tag. You could run a heading into the next paragraph. This only works if the tag is a block tag, is not floating and is not positioned absolutely. So, you can not run to list items together
  • Marker. Makes the tag a marker. This is a bit like a list item but you can make any tag have a marker so you are not just restricted to bullets or numbers
  • None. Don't display the tag at all

There are also a lot of new values that apply to tables:

  • Table. Makes a tag behave like the <table> tag
  • Inline-table. Makes a tag behave like a table but is rendered in-line with the current text flow
  • Table-row. Makes a tag behave like the <tr> tag
  • Table-row-group. Makes a tag behave like the <tbody> tag. You can use it if you want rules
  • Table-column. Makes a tag behave like the <table> tag
  • Table-column-group. Makes a tag behave like the <colgroup> tag
  • Table-header-group. Makes a tag behave like the <thead> tag
  • Table-footer-group. Makes a tag behave like the <tfoot> tag
  • Table-cell. Makes a tag behave like the <td> tag
  • Table-caption. Makes a tag behave like the <caption> tag