Some browsers can load a picture and use it as a background for the page. Some people like this; some people don’t. It is easy to include a background picture, just use the background attribute in the <body> tag: <body background="bkgimage.gif"> The browser tiles the picture until it fits the window and then displays the rest of the page's text and graphics on top. So, make sure that if you do include a background picture, you can still read the text easily. Background pictures can be a texture (linen finished paper) or perhaps a logo. The background picture replaces the background colour if the browser loads the picture successfully. If not, the browser uses the background colour as a background to your web page. In addition, the background colour appears while the browser loads the background picture. The background image scroll when you scroll down the page, unless you set it to be fixed: <body background="bkgimage.gif" bgproperties="fixed"> Note: I think this only works in Internet Explorer not in Netscape. Some things to think about:
More information Gifs, jpegs and animated gifs? Adding a background picture |